Dare to Share
Imagine a world where the 70+ million STARs - workers Skilled Through Alternative Routes, rather than a bachelor's degree - and millions more human resource professionals, hiring managers and workforce advocates shared their stories of the paper ceiling. Stories of STARs who hit the paper ceiling or STARs who have broken through. Stories of hiring managers or workforce advocates who see the world beyond the paper ceiling. It all starts with your story.

Show Your Support: Tear Your Social Profile
Download more custom graphics to add to your social profiles and show how you #tearthepaperceiling.

Go Video. Go Viral.
Record Your Video
( 01 )Tell your story, no matter which side of the paper ceiling you’re on. Here’s a few questions you can answer to get started:
- What barriers have you or your family, friends, or colleagues faced due to the paper ceiling?
- How has #thepaperceiling held you or others back?
- What do you wish employers knew about you and your learning journey?
- What does tearing the paper ceiling mean to you?
Ask Others to Join You
( 02 )Include a strong closing statement about your commitment to tearing the paper ceiling. (i.e. "...and that's why I'm tearing the paper ceiling.") and ask them to do the same. Don't hold back! Honesty and authenticity are crucial.
Share on Social Media
( 03 )Upload the video to your social media channel(s) of choice, like Instagram Reels or TikTok, Use the hashtag #TearThePaperCeiling and tag @TearThePaperCeiling, then tag three people whose #TearThePaperCeiling story you want to hear
Whether you're a STAR, employer or simply interested in making a difference, we want to hear from you!