the Paper Ceiling

Workers with experience, skills, and diverse perspectives – held back by a silent limitation.

It’s time to tear the paper ceiling and see the world beyond it.

I pledge to shatter stereotypes and misconceptions and to see people for all of their experiences, skills, and diverse perspectives.

I pledge to recognize the untapped potential of the 70+ million American workers who are STARs – Skilled Through Alternative Routes – so they can flourish.

I pledge to tear the paper ceiling, to see the world beyond it, and to let STARs shine.

Sign the pledge to tear the paper ceiling

Let’s send a clear message that it’s time to tear the
paper ceiling.

Thanks for signing the pledge.

You’ve taken the first step in tearing the paper ceiling. Stay tuned for important updates, information and stories related to the campaign.

total Signatures

13405 / 100,000

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Celebrating One Year of Tear the Paper Ceiling

A national movement is underway...

Here's how employers and organizations have broken down invisible barriers that make the paper ceiling to create opportunities for STARs in the past year.

of job postings in the U.S. on LinkedIn no longer require a bachelor's degree
(up from 15% in 2021)
jobs now open to STARs across the 16 states that have removed degree requirements from their state government jobs since 2022
of the Coalition’s corporate partners’ job postings are now open to STARs
(compared to 47% a year ago) 

This important work is just getting started.

Removing degrees from great-paying jobs is only the first step in what is needed to rewire the labor market so the skills of STARs — and all workers — are truly valued in the American economy.

Year One by the Numbers

3.3 billion

The number of times the #TearThePaperCeiling campaign was viewed

1.3 million

People learned more about the paper ceiling on this website


#TearThePaperCeiling engagements and conversations took place on social media


News outlets covered the paper ceiling

of employers surveyed said that in the past 6 months, they’ve hired someone who didn’t have a bachelor's degree for a role that used to require one*
of employers surveyed have changed degree requirement in at least one job description*
* Quantitative public opinion tracking studies conducted by the Ad Council and partner research company C+R Research.

Industry Recognition for the Campaign

2023 finalist
2023 nominee

Thank you to all coalition partners for a successful first year.

Let's continue on our shared skills-first path for STARs!

Contact us to leverage your coalition membership